1.Is the production of mobile shredders and fine mill, high-quality, low consumption, reliable, easy to operate, easy operation, widely used.
2.The contact part is made of stainless steel. With the advantage of good appearance, convenient clean, easy operation and low consumption.
3.An adsorbent and a solvent have low consumption and the whole separating device does not relate to chemical reactions.
4.Their opponents, concentrated in sectors that benefited from the growth model, do not see the link between rapid growth and low consumption.
5.But our technology deficit in chestnut processing has led to great waste of this product and low consumption per capita.
6.In combination with an electric motor and lightweight construction, this would allow good road performance with very low consumption.
7.The company's product line has a comprehensive coverage of high, medium and low consumption levels in all.
8.If low consumption, environmental protection, daylight operations, stability higher factor into consideration, the decision is obvious.
9.The leaching technique for uranium ore is characterized by low consumption of energy and reagents, simple flow sheet and high productivity.
10.One school argues that relatively low-consumption growth can be reversed without changing the fundamental growth model.